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Product brochure RTB2000 Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 4

ОписаниеDigital Oscilloscope
Страниц / Страница16 / 4 — 10-bit vertical resolution. 10-bit A/D converter resolution. 1 mV/div …
Формат / Размер файлаPDF / 9.6 Мб
Язык документаанглийский

10-bit vertical resolution. 10-bit A/D converter resolution. 1 mV/div true vertical resolution

10-bit vertical resolution 10-bit A/D converter resolution 1 mV/div true vertical resolution

Текстовая версия документа

10-bit vertical resolution
See small signal The R&S®RTB2000 features a customized Rohde & Schwarz engineered 10-bit A/D converter that delivers a four- fold improvement compared to conventional 8-bit A/D details in the converters. The increased resolution results in sharper waveforms with presence of large more signal details that would otherwise be missed. One example is the characterization of switched-mode power supplies. The voltages across the switching device must signals be determined during the on/off times within the same ac- quisition. For precise measurements of small voltage com- ponents, a high resolution of more than 8-bit is essential. ❙
10-bit A/D converter resolution

1 mV/div true vertical resolution 1 mV/div: full measurement bandwidth and low noise
The R&S®RTB2000 oscilloscope offers an outstanding sen- sitivity down to 1  mV/div. Traditional oscilloscopes reach this level of input sensitivity only by employing software-
10-bit A/D converter: uncovers even small signal
based magnification or by limiting the bandwidth. The
R&S®RTB2000 oscilloscope shows the signal’s real sam- pling points over the full measurement bandwidth – even
Traditional scope ¸RTB2000
❙ 8-bit vertical resolution ❙ 10-bit vertical resolution at 1 mV/div. This ensures high measurement accuracy. Finest resolution for a 1 V signal The accuracy of a signal displayed on the screen depends on the oscilloscope’s inherent noise. The R&S®RTB2000 oscilloscope precisely measures even at the smallest verti- 4 mV cal resolution by using low-noise frontends and state-of- 1 mV the-art A/D converters. The Rohde & Schwarz designed 10-bit A/D converter ensures highest signal fidelity at highest resolution.
RTB2000_bro_en_3607-4270-12_v0400.indd 4 07.06.2017 15:53:14
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