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Datasheet Linear Technology LT1019CS8-2.5 — Даташит

ПроизводительLinear Technology

Справочник по точности


Datasheet LT1019
PDF, 164 Кб, Язык: анг., Файл закачен: 12 авг 2017, Страниц: 12
Precision Reference
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IC: источник опорного напряжения; 2,5В; ±0,2%; SO8; 10мА
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Корпус / Упаковка / Маркировка

Габаритный чертеж корпуса
Габаритный чертеж корпуса
Габаритный чертеж корпуса
Габаритный чертеж корпуса
Код корпусаS8S8S8S8
Индекс корпуса05-08-1610 (S8)05-08-1610 (S8)05-08-1610 (S8)05-08-1610 (S8)
Количество выводов8888


Parameters / ModelsLT1019ACS8-2.5#PBFLT1019ACS8-2.5#TRPBFLT1019CS8-2.5#PBFLT1019CS8-2.5#TRPBF
Экспортный контрольнетнетнетнет
Initial Accuracy, %
Line Reg, ppm/V.
Load Reg, ppm/mA.
Low Freq Noise, µVPP6666
Min Vin/Vout Differential, В1.
Рабочий диапазон температур, °Cот 0 до 70от 0 до 70от 0 до 70от 0 до 70
Диапазон выходных токовВ±10mAВ±10mAВ±10mAВ±10mA
Quiescent or Min Shunt Current, мкА650650650650
Ref Vout, В2.
Temp Co, ppm/В°C5555
Vin Max, В40404040
Vin Min, В3.

Экологический статус


Другие варианты исполнения

LT1019 LT1019ACN8-10 LT1019ACN8-2.5 LT1019ACN8-4.5 LT1019ACN8-5 LT1019ACS8-2.5 LT1019ACS8-5 LT1019AIS8-2.5 LT1019AIS8-5 LT1019CN8-10 LT1019CN8-2.5 LT1019CN8-4.5 LT1019CN8-5 LT1019CS8-10 LT1019CS8-4.5 LT1019CS8-5 LT1019IN8-10 LT1019IN8-2.5 LT1019IN8-4.5 LT1019IN8-5 LT1019IS8-2.5 LT1019IS8-5

Application Notes

  • High Voltage, Low Noise, DC/DC Converters &mdash AN118
    PDF, 2.6 Мб, Файл опубликован: 28 мар 2008
    Photomultipliers (PMT), avalanche photodiodes (APD), ultrasonic transducers, capacitance microphones, radiation detectors and similar devices require high voltage, low current bias. Additionally, the high voltage must be pristinely free of noise; well under a millivolt is a common requirement with a few hundred microvolts sometimes necessary. Normally, switching regulator configurations cannot achieve this performance level without employing special techniques. One aid to achieving low noise is that load currents rarely exceed 5mA. This freedom permits output filtering methods that are usually impractical.
    Выписка из документа
  • Thermocouple Measurement &mdash AN28
    PDF, 988 Кб, Файл опубликован: 1 фев 1988
    Considerations for thermocouple-based temperature measurement are discussed. A tutorial on temperature sensors summarizes performance of various types, establishing a perspective on thermocouples. Thermocouples are then focused on. Included are sections covering cold-junction compensation, amplifier selection, differential/isolation techniques, protection, and linearization. Complete schematics are given for all circuits. Processor- based linearization is also presented with the necessary software detailed.
    Выписка из документа
  • Converting Light to Digits: LTC1099 Half Flash 8-Bit A/D Converter Digitizes Photodiode Array &mdash AN33
    PDF, 703 Кб, Файл опубликован: 2 мар 1989
    This application note describes a Linear Technology "Half-Flash" A/D converter, the LTC1099, being connected to a 256 element line scan photodiode array. This technology adapts itself to handheld (i.e., low power) bar code readers, as well as high resolution automated machine inspection applications.
  • Voltage Reference Circuit Collection &mdash AN42
    PDF, 1.7 Мб, Файл опубликован: 1 июн 1991
    A wide variety of voltage reference circuits are detailed in this extensive guidebook of circuits. The detailed schematics cover simple and precision approaches at a variety of power levels. Included are 2 and 3 terminal devices in series and shunt modes for positive and negative polarities. Appended sections cover resistor and capacitor selection and trimming techniques.
  • Linear Technology Magazine Circuit Collection, Volume 1 &mdash AN52
    PDF, 190 Кб, Файл опубликован: 1 янв 1993
    This application note consolidates the circuits from the first few years of Linear Technology magazine into one publication. Presented in the note are a variety of circuits ranging from a 50W high efficiency (>90%) switching regulator to steep roll-off filter circuits with low distortion to 12-bit differential temperature measurement systems.
    Выписка из документа
  • Understanding and Applying Voltage References &mdash AN82
    PDF, 172 Кб, Файл опубликован: 1 ноя 1999
    Just how do bandgaps and buried Zeners stack up against Weston cells? Did you know your circuit board may induce more drift in a reference than time and temperature? Learn the answers to these and other commonly asked reference questions ranging from burn-in recommendations to ΔVBE generation in this Application Note.
    Выписка из документа

Design Notes

  • Temperature Measurement Using Data Acquisition Systems &mdash DN5
    PDF, 77 Кб, Файл опубликован: 1 мар 1989
    Выписка из документа


  • How to Choose a Voltage Reference &mdash LT Journal
    PDF, 282 Кб, Файл опубликован: 1 мар 2009
    Выписка из документа

Модельный ряд

Классификация производителя

  • Signal Conditioning > Voltage References > Series Voltage References

На английском языке: Datasheet Linear Technology LT1019CS8-2.5

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