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LED 7-Segment Display
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www.xlitx.com Model : 2381BS Size : 0.28-inch Emitting color : Red (Ultra-Bright ) Mode : Common-Anode (CA) Digit : 3-Digit Category : LED 7-Segment Display Maker : XLITX Technology Prices : 1 /4 $0.60 = 100 Pieces $0.31 = 500 Pieces $0.28 = 1000 Pieces (Free shipping) Contact Email www.xlitx.com Dimension & Diagram 2 /4 Contact Email www.xlitx.com Ultra-Bright Red Electro-Optical Parameter
1. Electro-Optical Characteristics(Ta=25℃) PARAMETER DEVICES
( ULTRA-BRIGHT RED ) SYMBOL TYP UNIT TEST CONDIONS MAX Peak Emission Wavelengrth λp 640 nm IF=10mA Forward Voltage VF 1.8 V IF=10mA Reverse Current IR μA VR=5V Segment To Segment (Dot To Dot)
Luminonous Intensity Ratio IV-M 50
1.5:1 IF=20 2. Absolute Maximun Ratings(Ta=25℃)
( ULTRA-BRIGHT RED ) UNIT Power Dissipation Per Dice pad 100 mw 0.5 mA/℃ Derating Linear From 25℃ Per Dice
Continuous Forward Current Per Dice laf 30 mA Peak Forward Ourrent Per Dice
(Duty Cycle 1/10,10KHz) lpf 200 mA Reverse Voltage Per Dice Vr 5 V Operating Temperature Topr -20℃ (to) +75℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -20℃ (to) +85℃ Solder Temperature 3 /4 1.6 Inch Below Seating Place for
5 seconds at 230℃ Contact Email www.xlitx.com 3. Electro-Optical Curve 4 /4 Contact Email …