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Datasheet TMC6200 (TRINAMIC) - 10

ОписаниеHigh-power gate driver for PMSM servo or BLDC motors
Страниц / Страница47 / 10 — 3 Sample Circuits. 3.1 Standard Application Circuit. +VM. +VIO. 5VOUT. …
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3 Sample Circuits. 3.1 Standard Application Circuit. +VM. +VIO. 5VOUT. Figure 3.1 Standard application circuit

3 Sample Circuits 3.1 Standard Application Circuit +VM +VIO 5VOUT Figure 3.1 Standard application circuit

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link to page 30 link to page 11 TMC6200 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.03 / 2019-FEB-13) 10
3 Sample Circuits
The following sample circuits show the required external components in different operation and supply modes. The connection of the bus interface and further digital signals are left out for clarity.
3.1 Standard Application Circuit +VM
Optional use lower voltage down to 12V 22n 100n O 100V I P 16V 100n
C C V VS CE 470n VSA I T VCP Use low inductivity SMD Gate Voltage 12VOUT Charge Pump 12VOUT CU CB 100n type, e.g. 1210 or 2512 Regulator resistor for RS! 4.7µ HSU HS 5VOUT R 5V Regulator VOFS U RG P (optional 10 Ohm to 22 Ohm) protects the sense 2.2µ
3.3V or 5V amplifier against excessive IW + USENSE spikes on RS I/O voltage VCC_IO RS RP LSU 100n LS RG OTP memory I T VCP opt. ext. Clock 8-33MHz CLK_IN 3 Phase 24MHz Oscillator 12VOUT CV CB Motor UH pd B.Dwersteg, © HSV TRINAMIC 2014 UL pd HS VOFS V RG VH pd 6200 Break before N IV VL pd Make logic S + VSENSE RS WH R pd P LSV LS WL pd TMC RG I T VCP Diagnostics FAULT 12VOUT CW CB (Short circuit, Settings in Standalone
SPI interface Temperature) HSW mode (SPE=0) SF HS (SPE=1) O R Keep inductivity of the fat G V CSN / IDRV0 W 500k interconnections as smal as Driver Strength [IDRV1 IDRV0]: 00: 0.5A 01: 0.5/1A, 10: 1A, 11: 1.5A SCK / IDRV1 possible to avoid undershoot + WSENSE RS of U/V/W < -5V! SDI / AMPLx10 SPI interface Sense Amplification 0: 5*, 1: 10* RP SDO / SINGLE 250k 0: xH/xL individual gate control LSW IU IV LS 1: xH=Polarity, xL=Enable control RG pd E N S U V P E A W GND: Stand alone, S _ R R R AD D V OF U U V U N R C C P C E G Bootstrap capacitors C VIO: SPI interface mode B: D I D For MOSFETs with QG<40nC: min. 470nF, 16V 1µF for larger QG - use minimum 4.7µF on 12VOUT pin Optional slope control resistors RG: Current Sense In case of MOSFETs <20nC, adapt to MOSFET to yield slopes of
outputs roughly 50ns. Slope must be slower than bulk diode recovery time. Driver Enable 1Ohm to 2.2Ohm recommended for larger MOSFETs. May be left away with compact, low inducivity routing of power stage. (positive active)
Figure 3.1 Standard application circuit
The standard application circuit uses a minimum set of additional components. Six MOSFETs are selected for the desired current, voltage and package type. Two or three sense resistors are matched to the maximum motor coil current, and to the desired current sensor output swing and amplification setting. See chapter 0 to choose the right value for sense resistors. Use low ESR capacitors for filtering the power supply. A minimum capacity of 100µF per ampere of coil current near to the power bridge is recommended for keeping power supply ripple low. The capacitors need to cope with the current ripple caused by chopper operation. Current ripple in the supply capacitors also depends on the power supply internal resistance and cable length. Supply VCC_IO from 5VOUT, or from an external source, e.g. a 3.3V regulator. In order to minimize linear voltage regulator power dissipation of the internal 5V and 11.5V voltage regulators in applications where VM is high, a different (lower) supply voltage should be used for VSA, when available (see chapter 3.2). Important layout hints Place sense resistors and all filter capacitors as close as possible to the power MOSFETs. Place the TMC6200 near to the MOSFETs and use short interconnection lines in order to minimize parasitic trace inductance. Use a solid common GND for all GND and GNDA connections. Connect 5VOUT filtering capacitor directly to 5VOUT and GNDA pin. See layout hints for more details. Low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended for VS filtering. www.trinamic.com
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