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Datasheet ULN2001, ULN2002 ULN2003, ULN2004 (STMicroelectronics)

ОписаниеSeven Darlington Arrays
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ULN2001, ULN2002 ULN2003, ULN2004. Datasheet. production data. Description. DIP-16L. SO-16. (Narrow). TSSOP16. Features

Datasheet ULN2001, ULN2002 ULN2003, ULN2004 STMicroelectronics

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Периферийный драйвер - [DIP-16]; Примечание: 7 CHANNEL DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY. Исполнение: DIP16
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ULN2001, ULN2002 ULN2003, ULN2004
Seven Darlington arrays
production data Description
The ULN2001, ULN2002, ULN2003 and ULN 2004 are high-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays each containing seven open collector Darlington pairs with common emitters. Each
DIP-16L SO-16
channel is rated at 500 mA and can withstand
peak currents of 600 mA. Suppression diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite the outputs to simplify board layout. The versions interface to all common logic families: ULN2001 (general purpose, DTL, TTL, PMOS, CMOS); ULN2002 (14 - 25 V PMOS);
ULN2003 (5 V TTL, CMOS); ULN2004 (6 - 15 V CMOS, PMOS).
These versatile devices are useful for driving a wide range of loads including solenoids, relay DC • Seven Darlingtons per package motors, LED display filament lamps, thermal • Output current 500 mA per driver (600 mA printheads and high-power buffers. peak) The ULN2001A/2002A/2003A and 2004A are • Output voltage 50 V supplied in a 16-pin DIP package with a copper • Integrated suppression diodes for inductive leadframe to reduce thermal resistance. They are loads available also in small outline package (SO-16) as ULN2001D1/2002D1/2003D1/ 2004D1. • Outputs can be paralleled for higher current • ULN2003 is also available in TSSOP16 package, TTL/CMOS/PMOS/DTL compatible inputs for reduced application space. • Input pins placed opposite to output pins to simplify layout November 2021 DocID5279 Rev 14 1/21 This is information on a product in full production. www.st.com Document Outline 1 Diagram Figure 1. Schematic diagram 2 Pin configuration Figure 2. Pin connections (top view) 3 Maximum ratings Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings Table 2. Thermal data 4 Electrical characteristics Table 3. Electrical characteristics 5 Test circuits Figure 3. Output leakage current Figure 4. Output leakage current (for ULN2002 only) Figure 5. Collector-emitter saturation voltage Figure 6. Input current (ON) Figure 7. Input current (OFF) Figure 8. Input voltage Figure 9. Clamp diode leakage current Figure 10. Clamp diode forward voltage 6 Typical performance characteristics Figure 11. Collector current vs. saturation voltage (TJ = 25 °C) Figure 12. Collector current vs. saturation voltage Figure 13. Input current vs. input voltage Figure 14. Input current vs. input voltage (Ta = 25 °C) Figure 15. Collector current vs. input current Figure 16. hFE vs. output current Figure 17. Peak collector current vs. duty cycle (DIP-16) Figure 18. Peak collector current vs. duty cycle (SO-16) 7 Package information 7.1 DIP-16L package information Figure 19. DIP-16L package outline Table 4. DIP-16L mechanical data 7.2 SO-16 Narrow package information Figure 20. SO-16 package outline Table 5. SO-16 Narrow mechanical data Figure 21. SO-16 Narrow tape and reel drawing Table 6. SO-16 Narrow tape and reel mechanical data 7.3 TSSOP16 package information Figure 22. TSSOP16 package outline Table 7. TSSOP16 mechanical data Figure 23. TSSOP16 recommended footprint (dimensions are in mm) Figure 24. TSSOP16 tape and reel drawing Table 8. TSSOP16 tape and reel mechanical data 8 Order codes Table 9. Order codes 9 Revision history Table 10. Revision history
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