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Datasheet TS7800 (Taiwan Semiconductor) - 3

ПроизводительTaiwan Semiconductor
Описание3-Terminal Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
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TS7808 Electrical Characteristics. Parameter Symbol Test. Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit. TS7809 Electrical Characteristics

TS7808 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit TS7809 Electrical Characteristics

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TS7808 Electrical Characteristics
(Vin=14V, Iout=500mA, 0oC≤Tj≤125oC, Cin=0.33uF, Cout=0.1uF; unless otherwise specified.)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Tj=25oC 7.69 8 8.32 Output Voltage Vout 10.5V≤Vin≤23V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A, 7.61 8 8.40 V PD≤15W 10.5V≤Vin≤25V -- 6 160 Line Regulation REGline Tj=25oC 11V≤Vin≤17V -- 2 80 mV 10mA≤Iout≤1A -- 12 160 Load Regulation REGload Tj=25oC 250mA≤Iout≤750mA -- 4 80 Quiescent Current Iq Iout=0, Tj=25oC -- 4.3 8 10.5V≤Vin≤25V -- -- 1 mA Quiescent Current Change ∆Iq 10mA≤Iout≤1A -- -- 0.5 Output Noise Voltage Vn 10Hz≤f≤100KHz, Tj=25oC -- 52 -- uV Ripple Rejection Ratio RR f=120Hz, 11V≤Vin≤21V 56 72 -- dB Voltage Drop Vdrop Iout=1.0A, Tj=25oC -- 2 -- V Output Resistance Rout f=1KHz -- 16 -- mΩ Output Short Circuit Current Ios Tj=25oC -- 450 -- mA Peak Output Current Io peak Tj=25oC -- 2.2 -- A Temperature Coefficient of mV/ ∆Vout/ ∆Tj Iout=10mA, 0oC≤Tj≤125oC -- -0.8 -- Output Voltage oC
TS7809 Electrical Characteristics
(Vin=15V, Iout=500mA, 0oC≤Tj≤125oC, Cin=0.33uF, Cout=0.1uF; unless otherwise specified.)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Tj=25oC 8.65 9 9.36 Output Voltage Vout 11.5V≤Vin≤23V, 10mA≤Iout≤1A, 8.57 9 9.45 V PD≤15W 11.5V≤Vin≤26V -- 6 180 Line Regulation REGline Tj=25oC 12V≤Vin≤17V -- 2 90 mV 10mA≤Iout≤1A -- 12 180 Load Regulation REGload Tj=25oC 250mA≤Iout≤750mA -- 4 90 Quiescent Current Iq Iout=0, Tj=25oC -- 4.3 8 11.5V≤Vin≤26V -- -- 1 mA Quiescent Current Change ∆Iq 10mA≤Iout≤1A -- -- 0.5 Output Noise Voltage Vn 10Hz≤f≤100KHz, Tj=25oC -- 52 -- uV Ripple Rejection Ratio RR f=120Hz, 12V≤Vin≤22V 55 72 -- dB Voltage Drop Vdrop Iout=1.0A, Tj=25oC -- 2 -- V Output Resistance Rout f=1KHz -- 16 -- mΩ Output Short Circuit Current Ios Tj=25oC -- 450 -- mA Peak Output Current Io peak Tj=25oC -- 2.2 -- A Temperature Coefficient of mV/ ∆Vout/ ∆Tj Iout=10mA, 0oC≤Tj≤125oC -- -1 -- Output Voltage oC z Pulse testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible, and thermal effects must be taken into account separately. z This specification applies only for DC power dissipation permitted by absolute maximum ratings. TS7800 series 3-9 2003/12 rev. A
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