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Datasheet RTB2000 Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 8

ОписаниеOscilloscope Specifications
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Version 05.00, February 2018. Mask testing. Waveform maths. Search function. Rohde & Schwarz

Version 05.00, February 2018 Mask testing Waveform maths Search function Rohde & Schwarz

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Version 05.00, February 2018 Mask testing
Sources R&S®RTB2002 channel 1, channel 2 R&S®RTB2004 channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4 Mask definition acquired waveform with user-defined tolerance, can be stored and restored Result statistics completed acquisitions, passed and failed acquisitions (absolute and in percent), test duration Actions on mask violation sound, acquisition stop, screenshot, save waveform, pulse out (AUX OUT connector)
Waveform maths
Number of math waveforms 1 Functions addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Sources R&S®RTB2002 channel 1, channel 2 R&S®RTB2004 channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4 FFT sources R&S®RTB2002 channel 1, channel 2, reference waveform R&S®RTB2004 channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4, reference waveform setup parameters start frequency, stop frequency, center frequency, frequency span, vertical scale, vertical position windows Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, rectangular, flat top waveform arithmetic none, envelope, average (selectable 2 to 100 000)
Search function
Functions search types edge, width, peak, rise/fall time, runt, data2clock, pattern, protocol (available with R&S®RTB-K3 option) configuration manual level setting, adjustable hysteresis display of search events in diagram (markers) and in result table Sources R&S®RTB2002 channel 1, channel 2, math waveform, D0 to D15 (with R&S®RTB-B1 option) R&S®RTB2004 channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4, math waveform, D0 to D15 (with R&S®RTB-B1 option)
8 Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTB Oscilloscope
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