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Новости NXP

Производитель: "NXP"
Найдено: 150 Вывод: 1-10
  1. NXP Semiconductors today announced that Turtle Beach a leading gaming headset maker, chose NXP ’s NXH3670 to deliver powerfully immersive Waves Nx 3D surround sound and crystal-clear chat experience for its recent retail launch of its Elite ...
  2. NXP Semiconductors announced the i.MX RT1170 family of crossover MCUs that combines unprecedented performance, reliability, and high levels of integration to propel industrial, IoT and automotive applications. The NXP i.MX RT1170 family reinforces ...
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  1. As an early partner for Android Things, NXP Semiconductors N.V. announced support for the public beta of Google Cloud IoT Core, a fully managed service on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to securely connect and manage IoT devices at scale. Cloud IoT ...
  2. В беспроводных локальных сетях комбинация усилителя с радиочастотным переключателем обеспечивает высокое качество сигналов пользователям телефонов, планшетов и небольших устройств Интернета вещей NXP Semiconductors сообщила о выпуске новых ...
    The combined amplifier and switch provides strong WLAN signal available for consumers seeking to connect everywhere, all the time using phones, tablets, wearables and small Internet of Things devices NXP Semiconductors announced the introduction of ...
  1. Новый интеллектуальный усилитель мощности NXP с функцией цифровой обработки сигналов обеспечит более глубокие басы и лучшее качество звука в смартфонах, нетбуках, звуковых панелях и многих других устройствах Компания NXP представила первый в ...
    New NXP smart power amplifier with embedded DSP features higher voltage to obtain deeper bass and higher sound fidelity in smartphones, netbooks, sound bars and more NXP Semiconductors introduced the industry’s first 12-volt smart audio ...
  2. NXP Semiconductors N.V. announced the availability of the MAC57D5xx Linux and FreeRTOS Software Enablement Package. Delivered by Mobiliya, this package will enable small and medium-sized developers to rapidly deliver solutions for automotive and ...
  3. При создании флагманского 1800-ваттного транзистора основной акцент делался на простоту использования NXP Semiconductors анонсировала завершение разработки новой LDMOS (МОП с поверхностной диффузией) технологии создания радиочастотных транзисторов ...
    The new MRFX series and its flagship 1800 W transistor focus on ease of use NXP Semiconductors announced a new laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) technology for RF power transistors designed for operation up to 65 volts (V). This ...
  4. В последний день выставки Consumer Electronics Show 2017 компания NXP продемонстрировала первое беспроводное решение для зарядки ноутбуков и планшетов 2-в-1, способное передавать мощность до 100 Вт, что полностью покрывает диапазон мощностей, ...
    On the final day of the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show, NXP Semiconductors N.V. introduced the first high-power wireless charging solution for notebooks and 2-in-1 tablets, with up to 100 W of delivered power, covering the entire range of power ...
  5. NXP Semiconductors announced a new automotive radar microcontroller (MCU), the NXP S32R27 , that will deliver the features and performance required for making safe, automated driving a reality. NXP is the leading supplier of radar-based ADAS ...
  6. NXP Semiconductors announces its expansion of the industry’s leading family of automotive motor control microcontrollers (MCUs), and introduces a broad portfolio of hardware, software and integrated motor control solutions designed to ...

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